Services > Circularity & waste management

Sustainable Events

We support organizations in making their events environmentally responsible and promoting sustainability practices throughout the entire event lifecycle (pre-event, event, and post-event) through the implementation of strategies and action plans to optimize resource usage and reduce their environmental footprint.

This service may include:

  • Defining scope of action (mapping the SDG against that value chain);
  • Plan on how to act;
  • Execute the action plan (on site coordination of different teams);
  • Capacity building and awareness;
  • Conducting sustainability assessments and audits to identify opportunities for improving environmental performance and resource management;
  • Assess based on measurable indicators (Monitoring and measuring the event’s environmental impact, including water and energy consumption, and waste production);
  • Event sustainability reporting.

Promoting environmental sustainability in events presents an opportunity to reduce their footprint while also serving as a distinguishing and notable feature. The key advantages include:

  • Strategically positioning the event and its promoters in terms of sustainability and environmental responsibility;
  • Resource usage reduction and waste management optimization;
  • Calculating relevant indicators that measure the event’s environmental sustainability;
  • Training and mobilization of vendors, HORECA (Hotel, Restaurant, Catering), and the general public.